
Download Google Drive on My Mac Updated

Download Google Drive on My Mac

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While Apple users can easily utilise the iCloud storage service, it comes with but 5 GB of complimentary storage. Rather than paying extra, you could switch to using Google Bulldoze on your Mac, giving you extra space and tools in the process.

Once you've installed and configured Google Drive, it'll appear as a binder in the Finder app. You'll need a Google account fix and configured to be able to employ Google Drive.

Installing Google Backup and Sync on Mac

To access Google Bulldoze on your Mac (and not from a browser), y'all'll need to download and install the Google Backup and Sync software.

Head to the Google Drive website and click the "Download" button under the "Personal" section.

On the Google Drive website, click Download for the Backup and Sync software

Concord to the terms and atmospheric condition to begin downloading the software. Open up the DMG file one time the download has completed.

RELATED: What is a DMG File (And How Practise I Utilize One)?

In the DMG installer, drag the "Backup and Sync from Google" icon to the "Applications" folder on the other side.

After a few moments, the Fill-in and Sync software for Google Drive will be installed on your Mac.

You can admission it from your Launchpad or by searching "Backup and Sync" in Spotlight Search, accessible by clicking the search icon in the summit right of your Mac screen or pressing the CMD+Space bar keys.

Depending on your version of macOS, a warning about using Backup and Sync may pop up at get-go launch.

Click "Open up" to allow it to launch.

Click Open to allow Backup and Sync from Google Drive to launch on your Mac

You'll then need to let Backup and Sync admission to your files and allow it to back up your Desktop folder.

Click "Don't Allow" if you'd adopt not to allow this, but you'll be configuring these options later. Otherwise, click "OK" to allow Backup and Sync access.

Click OK to allow Backup and Sync access to Desktop files

Authorize the same for your Documents folder by clicking the "OK" push button.

Click OK to allow Backup and Sync access to your Mac documents folder

Click "OK" to authorize the same access for your photos and videos. This volition allow them to be backed up to your Google business relationship.

Click OK to allow Backup and Sync access to your photos, otherwise click OK

With the correct permissions applied, Backup and Sync will launch.

Configuring Google Backup and Sync on Mac

Once the Google Fill-in and Sync software launches with the right permissions, click the "Get Started" push and then sign in with your Google business relationship username and password.

Sign in to your Google Account on the first launch of Google Backup and Sync on Mac

You'll then need to select which folders from your Mac you want to sync with Google Drive.

Click "Got It" to go started and so select which folders you lot desire to sync in the summit section. By default, your Desktop, Documents, and Pictures folders will sync. You lot can uncheck these if you'd prefer.

During the Google Drive Backup and Sync setup process, select the folders you want to sync

You'll need to choose the quality of your photo and video uploads. Select the radio button side by side to your preferred choice.

"High-Quality" will catechumen your photos and videos to a bottom quality, but these files won't count towards your storage quota. If y'all'd adopt to leave these intact, cull the "Original Quality" option. This will apply your supplied Google Drive storage quota.

Check the "Upload Photos and Videos to Google Photos" checkbox to automatically upload these to Google Photos and and then click "Next" to proceed.

Choose your photo and video upload size and whether you want to upload to Google Photos, then click Next

You lot'll then demand to decide which folders from your Google Bulldoze storage you desire to automatically sync to your Mac to allow you immediate access.

Click "Got It" to get started. Select either "Sync Everything in My Drive" to sync all of the files from your Google Drive storage, or select individual files by clicking the "Sync These Folders Merely" choice.

That volition provide you lot with a list of bachelor folders. Uncheck the folders you don't desire to sync, click "Start" to complete the configuration process, and so begin syncing your files.

Select your folder sync options, then click Start to begin syncing files between your Google Drive storage and your Mac

Accessing Google Drive on Your Mac

Once the Google Backup and Sync software has been configured, a configuration tool volition appear in your macOS menu bar. This will give you information on the progress of any syncing files as well as permit you to configure Google Drive in the futurity.

Your Google Drive binder will announced for you to access like any other binder in Finder, under the "Favorites" section in the carte on the left. Y'all tin can launch Finder from your Launchpad or by searching for it by clicking the Spotlight search icon in your menu bar.

This folder is where you can add, edit, or delete files and folders to your Google Drive storage. The folder will as well announced when you lot await to save or open files in other software.

The Google Drive folder in Finder on Mac

Depending on the syncing options you selected during the setup process, your Desktop, Certificate, and Photo files will likewise sync automatically to your Google Drive storage, regardless of whether y'all saved them to your Google Drive storage folder directly.

Download Google Drive on My Mac

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